Tell Us In 10: Ali James from Showstopper! The Improvised Musical

Published 13 July 2021

In our profile series, Tell Us In 10, we ask cast members and creatives of top London shows to tell us all about themselves in just 10 questions.

And because we’ve got some super shows in Kids Week 2021, we’re going to be giving you the chance to learn more about the people behind them in a special Kids Week Tell Us In 10 series. First up, we’re talking to Ali James from Showstopper! The Improvised Musical playing at the Garrick Theatre.

If your kids are into theatre and love the idea of putting their own show together or seeing their ideas come alive on stage, now is their chance! Showstopper! The Improvised Musical transforms your suggestions for setting, music, show titles and more into a different show every night.  With high drama, fun lyrics, high-energy dance routines and songs, all made up entirely on the spot, this show is sure to be a hit with the family. 

Find out more about Ali and the show below!

My role is…


My favourite thing about my role is…

Connecting with others in the moment

My least favourite thing about my role is…

My shoes!

The show is perfect for families to enjoy this summer because..

The audience are in control! We are your puppets and you our puppeteers – anything you ask us to do, we’ll do!

I think Kids Week is a great initiative because…

So many kids out there have the imagination to take them to the highest heights of creativity in theatre!

My earliest memories of theatre are…

Watching the Button Moon tour at the beautiful  Palace Theatre in Westcliff

Showstopper homage School Of Rock in a homeschooling song called “Dad Is Your Teacher Now!”

I didn’t know I wanted to work in theatre…

Until I saw Jesus Christ Superstar and felt as though I was IN the story because of the amazing set that curved round the edges of the auditorium!

The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self is…

Trust your gut!

In my spare time I like to…

Meditate and do yoga

If I could have a superpower for a day, I would choose…

Flying! I would love to see the amazing cities of the world lit up at night or fly over vast plains watching the animals!

If you like the sound of Showstopper! The Improvised Musical why not book tickets for you and your little ones? With Kids Week tickets still available, be sure to snap them up soon!

Garrick Theatre showstopper! the improvised musical

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