We're Going On A Bear Hunt

Video: Surprise cast member joins the Bear Hunt

First Published 25 August 2017, Last Updated 25 August 2017

When Charlie Harris took on an internship at Kenny Wax Ltd., he had no idea that he’d end up making his professional stage debut, playing an all-important cast member in We’re Going On A Bear Hunt!

Charlie was tasked with playing the Bear in We’re Going On A Bear Hunt, the acclaimed family musical adventure which is currently playing at Cadogan Hall until 2 September – a role he filled with more than a touch of aplomb. You can see his starring stint in the video above.

In Charlie’s own words:

It came up in the office that a bear was needed for one performance of We’re Going On A Bear Hunt and when they asked if I’d do it, I didn’t even think. It sounded like so much fun.”

“What made me laugh was that the people in the office kept making it clear that I didn’t have to do it if I didn’t feel comfortable or didn’t want to do it and that they could find someone else. It was really lovely of them, but I had to stop myself from saying, ‘Come on, I really want to do it. Put me in the suit.‘”

He went on to explain more about his internship:

I’m spending my summer doing an internship at Kenny Wax Ltd. and Kenny Wax Family Entertainment and I’m getting to be at the heart of everything that’s going on. My job covers a range of things, anything they’ll let me get my hands on really (i.e. going on stage as a bear today). The whole thing’s been really eye-opening, seeing all the areas of theatre that you don’t hear so much about and seeing all the crucial parts that an audience member might take for granted.”

“I think the main reason I was always interested in theatre was the relationship between performance and the audience. Everything happens in real time. There’s no screen, the performances aren’t edited or added to, the performers come on stage and they work and the audience experience it and everyone’s in the same room for the entire thing whether it’s a huge three hour long production or half an hour in a pub attic.”

“Theatre is always a shared experience that only exists once. I’ve always found that very exciting and I just wanted to be a part of it all.

We’re Going On A Bear Hunt is currently taking part in Kids Week, the annual promotion that allows kids to go free to London shows during August, when accompanied by a full-paying adult. 

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