First Performance 07/05/2009
Closing 08/05/2009

Death Of A Blackman was first produced at Hampstead theatre in 1975 and is revived as a rehearsed reading as part of the theatre’s 50th anniversary celebrations.

Death Of A Blackman is the story of 19-year-old Shakie who runs his entrepreneurial empire selling Scottish best peat water to American tourists on the King’s road from a furnished flat in Chelsea. After an absence of two years, Jackie, an ex, bursts into his flat. Why she is there and where she has come from is not clear. Dreamlike in quality, the one thing that is clear is the need to make it in a white man’s world.

Alfred Fagon, who wrote Death Of A Blackman, was one of the key Black British playwrights of the 1970s and 80s. Born in Jamaica in 1937, he came to Britain where he established his reputation as an actor and writer. He died of a heart attack at the age of 49 at the height of his career.

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