Genre Opera/Dance
First Performance 13/09/2022
Closing 17/09/2022
Running Time 2h, inc. interval

Love, betrayal, death, mercy: The United Ukrainian Ballet, comprising some sixty dancers in exile, stage one of the greatest works in the classical repertoire in a powerful new interpretation by world renowned choreographer Alexei Ratmansky.

Featuring guest performances from Alina Cojocaru and Katja Khaniukova*, and under the baton of Viktor Oliynyk, conductor of the National Opera of Ukraine, this is a unique opportunity to see a powerful and moving interpretation of one of the greatest romantic ballets of all time, with a company of world-class artists united by the tragedy of war and an ardent hope for the future.

All ticket profits will go to the DEC Ukraine Appeal and The United Ukrainian Ballet Foundation.

A new interpretation specially created for the company by Alexei Ratmansky with the English National Opera Orchestra. 

Costumes and sets designed by Hayden Griffin, generously loaned by the Birmingham Royal Ballet.

*Guest performances by Katja Khaniukova (13, 15 September) and Alina Cojocaru (14, 16 September.)

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