This jolly, rustic comedy by Gaetano Donizetti (1832) follows the hapless, lovelorn Nemorino as he tries desperately to get the girl of his dreams, Adina, to notice him. A travelling charlatan and seller of fake medicines, Dulcamara, stops in the village and persuades Nemorino to give his foolproof love potion a whirl…. Meanwhile, Adina has eyes only for handsome Sergeant Belcore. Can Dulcamara’s potion do the trick?

OHP debutante Sarah Tynan, who has recently performed the role at English National Opera, and Aldo Di Toro are the mismatched couple, with Richard Burkhard returning to sing the role of Dulcamara.

Sung in Italian with English surtitles.

Please note: Booking opens from Monday 15th April 2013

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