“Come, you spirits
that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full
of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood”

Following a critically acclaimed run at The Lyceum Edinburgh, Zinnie Harris’ Macbeth (An Undoing) comes to the Rose ahead of travelling to Theatre for a New Audience, New York, and returning to the Lyceum in an international collaboration between the three theatres.

The retelling of the classic Scottish play puts the iconic Lady Macbeth at the heart of the story. When her husband returns victorious from the battlefield with a prophecy that he is to become King of Scotland, Lady Macbeth will stop at nothing to make their darkest ambition a reality. Ruthless and driven, unstoppable in her pursuit of power, yet she quickly descends into madness and despair.

By putting her front and centre, it begs the question – have we really heard the whole story?