Snookered takes place on the sixth anniversary of T’s death. His four friends meet, as they always do, for a game of snooker and a night to celebrate T’s life.

As they excavate the past and measure their own lives against T’s, secrets are revealed and allegiances shift as quickly as the drinks are downed. Can they put to rest the guilt they feel over T’s untimely death? And will their friendship survive the final betrayal?

In a volatile political climate, Ishy Din opens a timely window into a strand of British Muslim life that often remains unseen. Through sparky dialogue, Snookered probes into the lives of these young men and their fragile masculinity, burdened by cultural expectations yet charged with personal dreams.

Snookered is co-produced with Tamasha, an award-winning theatre company which has played a key role in driving the crossover of Asian culture into the British mainstream.