Adapted from Michel Faber’s captivating short story, The Fahrenheit Twins takes audiences into the world of two siblings who live with their scientist parents on a remote Arctic exploration station. They spend their days racing huskies across the wintry tundra, rolling in the snow and recording key events in The Book of Knowledge. Their existence is perfect, until one day their mother unexpectedly takes to her bed and life for the twins will never be the same again.

Funny and savage, The Fahrenheit Twins is a poignantly tender tale of what happens when you can’t stop time.

Theatre company Told By An Idiot, which created The Fahrenheit Twins, makes its Barbican debut with this new production, directed by Matthew Dunster.

Faber’s other work includes the international best seller The Crimson Petal And The White and the Whitbread-shortlisted novel Under The Skin.

The Fahrenheit Twins contains adult content and some scenes of a disturbing nature. It is suitable for theatregoers aged 12 and older.

For more about The Fahrenheit Twins at the Barbican Pit, read the First Night Feature.