On the comedy stage, Judah Friedlander is The World Champion. He is the best athlete in the world, the greatest martial artist, the sexual desire of every woman, a role model to children, and the most humble person on the planet.

Judah started stand-up in 1989 and has been doing it every night ever since. Seeing Judah perform live is always a unique experience. He always has new jokes and he plays off the audience making up jokes on the spot. You will never see Judah do the same show twice. Because The World Champ is so incredible, he’s also one of the most copied comedians. But a copy is never as good as the original. And no one can top The World Champion. Judah is also going to be the next President of the United States and looks forward to talking to the good people of London.

‘In a time when jokes are downloaded, tweeted and podcast, he performs an act best suited for an intimate, packed room in which the joyous sound of a cackling crowd being won over becomes and integral part of the music of comedy.’ New York Times

You may know Judah from movies & television but he is not an actor who does stand-up on the side. He’s a stand-up comedian who acts on the side. For the past 7 years Judah was a series regular on the award-winning television show 30 Rock. As a guest on the Late Show with David Letterman Tina Fey referred Judah as “one of the all-time great weirdos”. He can be seen in the films Meet the Parents, Zoolander, The Wrestler and American Splendor .

The World Champion is a man of the people and always does meet & greets after his shows.